Scientific committee
The CNMlab’s scientific committee is made up of figures from various domains, such as sociologists, economists, historians, lawyers, musicologists, and philosophers. This advisory think tank, unprecedented in the music world, reinforces the CNMlab’s research programme and fosters greater interaction between the spheres of academia and research. The scientific committee may identify future themes for the CNMlab to set, suggest contributors and monitor research progress.
Valérie-Laure Benabou
Valérie-Laure Benabou is a professor at the Université de Paris-Saclay/UVSQ, is a member of the DANTE laboratory, and a researcher specialising in intellectual property law and digital legal issues. As a qualified specialist on the CSPLA – the Higher Council for Literary and Artistic Property, she has presided over the drafting of several reports on copyrights, and regularly contributes her expertise to this public forum. She co-wrote with Judith Rochfeld À qui profite le clic ? Le partage de la valeur à l’ère du numérique (Odile Jacob, 2015).
Samuel Coavoux
Samuel Coavoux is a sociologist and teacher-researcher in the sociology department of the École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique and at the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST). He specialises in cultural audiences and works in particular on digital music listening practices.
Damien Colas-Gallet
After beginning his career in research at the organic chemistry laboratory at the École Normale Supérieure (rue d’Ulm), Damien Colas-Gallet turned to musicology, specialising in the works of Italian composers active in Paris from the 17th to the 19th century. Together with Anders Wiklund (University of Gothenburg), he is currently working on the first critical edition of Verdi’s Don Carlos. Alongside his activity as a researcher, he also produces concerts and advises musicians.
Gilles Demonet
Lawyer and musicologist Gilles Demonet was previously manager of the Opéra-Comique and of the French offices of IMG Artists. He is a professor at the Department of Music and Musicology at Sorbonne Université where he directs the Masters in Music Administration and Management. He is also director of IReMUS (Institute for Musicological Research) and his main area of research is contemporary musical institutions. He is also the author of Les marchés de la musique vivante (Paris, PUPS, 2015) and Les Concerts Straram (1926-1933), published in 2022 by the SFM. He is a visiting professor at Rome Business School, Shanghai Conservatory of Music and Zhejiang Conservatory of Music.
Joëlle Farchy
Joëlle Farchy is a university lecturer in information and communication sciences (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), researcher at the Sorbonne Economics Centre and director of the Cultural Pluralism and Digital Ethics Chair (PcEn).
Gérôme Guibert
Gérôme Guibert is lecturer with accreditation to supervise research in sociology at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, where he is director of the institute of communication and media. A specialist in popular music, in 2002 he co-founded the research journal Volume! and runs the Musiques et société collection at Éditions Mélanie Seteun publishers (Les Presses du réel). He has led several research programmes, including a mapping of contemporary live music for the Department of Studies, Foresight and Statistics (DEPS) of the French Ministry of Culture (2010-2012) and an analysis of the digital transformation of the live music industry for the ICCA laboratory of excellence (2017- 2018). He also heads a team for the French National Research Agency (ANR) programme on cultural scenes (SCANEA, 2019-2023). In 2019, he organised the fourth biennial international conference for the ISMMS – International Society for Metal Music Studies.
Marianne Lumeau
Marianne Lumeau is an economist and lecturer at the University of Rennes and the Centre de Recherche en Economie et Management (CREM-CNRS). Her research focuses on the intersection between the digital economy and the economy of culture, with an emphasis on the cultural and media industries, using empirical methods (surveys, experiments, analysis of real data). She is currently working on the impact of recommendation algorithms on the discoverability of musical content.
Fabien Miclet
Fabien Miclet is an independent consultant, who specializes in European cultural issues. Coauthor on several studies for the European Commission and initiator of different European projects, he also contributes to various international conferences in the music sector. He is an EU adviser to several professional and public organizations, including the CNM, among others. He graduated from the College of Europe, and he lectures at Sciences Po Lille and at Lille university.
Stéphanie Molinero
Stéphanie Molinero is a sociologist, in charge of studies at the Deps-Ministry of Culture and associate lecturer in the Department of Cultural Mediation at Sorbonne-Nouvelle University. She has devoted part of her research to rap audiences, since the publication in 2009 of her doctoral thesis, Les publics du rap. Enquête sociologique (L’Harmattan). With Yann Nicolas, she coordinated the publication of the collective work 40 ans de musiques hip-hop en France (Presses de Sciences Po/Deps, 2022), edited by Marie Sonnette-Manouguain and Karim Hammou, for which she wrote the preface and co-wrote the chapter “Rap et RnB dans les pratiques culturelles en France” with Karim Hammou.
Emmanuel Négrier
Emmanuel Négrier is director of the Cepel research unit of the CNRS-université de Montpellier. His work focuses on cultural policies, changes in territorial scales and electoral behaviour. Together with Aurélien Djakouane, he co-led a joint study entitled So Fest! L’empreinte sociale et territoriale des festivals (coordinated by France Festivals), the results of which were recently published in Festivals, territoire et société (Paris, Presses de Science Po/DEPS, 2021).
Thomas Paris
Thomas Paris is a researcher at the CNRS (GREGHEC) and an associate professor at HEC Paris. He holds a doctorate in management and he specializes in the creative economy and the creative industry. He studies these sectors (along with cinema and audiovisual, music, fashion, publishing, architecture, video games, gastronomy, design) from managerial, organizational, and sector-specific perspectives, in partnership with key players. He also works on innovation management, entrepreneurship, the digital economy, and cultural politics.
Myrtille Picaud
Myrtille Picaud is a sociologist. Her work focuses on music venues of all music genres and their bookers, examining the links between music scenes and urban change. Her research culminated in the publication of “Mettre la ville en musique (Paris-Berlin)” (Presses universitaires de Vincennes, 2021). She is also a research fellow at the CNRS.
Solveig Serre
Solveig Serre is a historian and musicologist, an École nationale des chartes alumnus (2001-2005), research fellow with accreditation to supervise research since 2012 at the CNRS (CESR, UMR 7323), and lecturer at École polytechnique. Originally a specialist in Parisian opera institutions under the Ancien Régime, since 2014 she has been in charge of PIND (Punk is not dead) with Luc Robène, a research project devoted to the history of the punk scene in France since 1976, which obtained funding from the ANR (the French National Research Agency) for the period 2016-2020.
Marie Sonnette
Marie Sonnette is a sociologist and lecturer at the University of Angers and at the ESO laboratory (CNRS, UMR 6590). She specialises in hip-hop genres and is currently working in collaboration with the Department of Studies, Forecasting and Statistics (DEPS) of the French Ministry of Culture to delve deeper into their understanding. She is particularly drawn to understanding the economic evolution of this sector of the recording industry, its audiences and the processes of its media, professional and political (il)legitimisation.
Jean-Philippe Thiellay
Jean-Philippe Thiellay is president of the Centre national de la musique. He is also a specialist in opera, focussing both on the onstage and management activities of this field. He has published essays on Rossini, Bellini and Meyerbeer with Actes Sud publishing house. He recently published L’Opéra s’il vous plaît. Plaidoyer pour l’art lyrique (Les Belles Lettres, 2022).
Emmanuel Vergès
Emmanuel Vergès is an engineer, author and doctor of information-communication. He co-directs the Observatoire des politiques culturelles and is a cultural facilitator at L’office, a collaborative cultural engineering organisation. He teaches at various universities (Aix Marseille, Bordeaux Montaigne, Lyon 2). His work focuses cultural and digital cooperation and looks at new forms of governance with public and private organisations, citizens and artistic collectives. He founded and directed ZINC, a centre for digital arts and cultures, at the Friche la Belle de Mai between the end of the 1990s and the early 2000s.